All Decra® roof products are manufactured from alu-zinc steel which have shown in tests to last 6-9 times longer than ordinary galvanised steel roofing products. This is achieved by protecting the steel core with zinc, which is itself protected by an aluminium barrier. As a pioneer of using alu-zinc steel, Decra® has unrivaled experience in long lasting steel roof tile manufacture.

Fire Resistance 1
Fire Resistance 2

Other roof materials can help fire to spread. Clay and concrete tiles can both allow embers between the tiles (so a fire outside can set light to the inside of your house) and tranmit heat through the tile. Likewise, bitumen roofs are not as fire resistant as Decra.


Decra Appointment

We’re here to guide you through the process of selecting the right roof for you.

Our Distributors are professionals who will listen to your requirements, make recommendations and calculate your roofing needs, For your dream roof, make an appointment on a day and at a time that suits you…..