
AHI Marketing Manager visits Nigeria 1

AHI Marketing Manager visits Nigeria

AHI Marketing Manager for Africa, Simon Pogson landed in Lagos yesterday to spend several days with exclusive Nigerian Distributors Wichtech Roofing. As one of the worlds largest Distributors of AHI Roofing, Wichtech are a key partner and Simon will spend several days with the management team, marketers and customers to outline strategy for the next phase of our partnership. “There’s a lot going on in Nigeria right now” says Simon, “as the economy recovers and construction begins to pick up again, Wichtech are ideally placed to service this growing demand with an unrivalled product  and level of availability”.

Wichtech Roofing are exclusive Distributors of AHI Roofing Systems and have earned a household name for quality in Nigeria. AHI is the worlds original stone coated roof tile. Find out more at