
Colour That Doesn’t Change 1

Colour That Doesn’t Change

One of the major differences between Decra® and other “stone coated roof tiles” is the quality of our stone coating.

While other manufacturers scour the world looking for the cheapest stone chip, Decra® uses only the toughest volcanic stone from quarries in New Zealand. This stone chip is proven to perform in any weather condition and is part of our famous 50 year warranty. So, what makes Decra® stone chip different?

From a home owners point of view it’s all about the colour. Once installed on a roof, the stone chip is exposed daily to UV from the sun. This usually bleaches non-Decra® stone coated tiles and the colour soon fades. We’ve seen this happen from as little as three months after installation, but it usually occurs after a year or two.

With Genuine Decra®, the stone chip never changes colour. Remember, we have a sixty year history and have never encountered this problem with any of our roofs anywhere in the world. Genuine Decra® roofs are proven. Find out more at   

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