
Keeping healthy with a Decra® Roof – why proper ventilation is a must 1

Keeping healthy with a Decra® Roof – why proper ventilation is a must

A Decra® roof not only looks good and protects your home; it can also keep you healthy. Warm rooms with a high relative humidity provide good growing conditions for mould, fungi, and dust mites which can lead to respiratory problems, asthma and allergies. To avoid these problems, it’s necessary to remove damp and polluted air.

Decra® ventilation works by expelling warm air out of the building and allowing fresh cool air into the roof space, creating a more comfortable living environment whilst also reducing the amount of work your air conditioners have to do. There are three main reasons we recommend ventilation:

1) Financial – good ventilation can reduce air conditioning consumption by up to 25%

2) Protection – Ventilation prevents mould and fungi which can lead to rot

3) Health – of you and your family

Decra® Vents are finished in the same natural stone chip as our roof tiles, so look seamless when installed. To find out more about all our Healthy living products please view our video here

Keeping healthy with a Decra® Roof – why proper ventilation is a must 2
Keeping healthy with a Decra® Roof – why proper ventilation is a must 3