
Standing up to the weather 1

Standing up to the weather

From baking hot sunshine to torrential rain your roof needs to be able to withstand anything that nature throws at it. And it’s no accident that a Decra® roof can. Our tiles are designed to withstand all weather extremes and have been installed the world over for over 60 years. From sub-zero temperatures in Eastern Europe to homes on the equator in Africa, and from coastal locations to mountainous inland sites, Decra® roofs are proven to withstand any weather condition.

One of the biggest problems with stone coated roofing tiles is colour change caused by the suns UV. Decra® is the only tile we have come across that doesn’t react this way, and it’s all down to the high quality natural volcanic stone chips we use. The other problem customers often encounter with stone chip is “chip loss” which can happen during heavy rainfall. While other brands of tile suffer from their stone chip being washed away by the rain, the unique way in which Decra® stone is embedded in our patented basecoat ensures that it can’t be removed.

An increasing issue, particularly for homes on the eastern coast of Africa, is that of hurricane strength winds. While metal sheets, clay and concrete tiles are easily lifted by the wind, Decra® roof tiles are fastened in such a way that makes this impossible.  In fact, our tiles are tested to withstand 200kph winds! And it’s not just the wind you have to worry about. In these weather conditions, flying debris can cause plenty of damage to a roof. A flying coconut for example would dent a metal sheet, crack a clay / concrete tile, but have little effect on Decra®.

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To discover more benefits of a Decra® Roof, visit our “Why choose us” page here